Hydrosafe® high-performance vapour check, suitable for all fibrous insulation mats and boards


  • Best possible protection against moisture damage to structures and mould because this product is humidity-variable with a variation of a factor of over 100
  • Permanent protection: performance tested and certified by independent testing authority (ETA-18/1146)
  • Protected winter building sites thanks to hydrosafe® behaviour
  • Can be combined with all fibrous insulation mats and boards
  • Easy to work with: dimensionally stable, no splitting or tear propagation
  • Excellent values in hazardous substance testing, has been tested according to the ISO 16000 evaluation scheme

Areas of application

Vapour check (alternate terms: vapour control or retarder) membrane for use on roofs, walls, ceilings and floors on structures that are open or closed to diffusion on the exterior, e.g. flat/pitched roofs and green roofs, after appropriate design calculations have been carried out.

Technical specs

Fleece Polypropylene
Functional film Polyethylene copolymer
Property Value Regulation
Colour White-translucent
Surface weight 85 g/m² ; 0.28 oz/ft² EN 1849-2
Thickness 0.25 mm ; 10 mils EN 1849-2
Water vapour resistance factor µ 56 000 EN 1931
sd value 14 m EN 1931
sd value, humidity-variable 0.25 - >25 m EN ISO 12572
g value 70 MN·s/g
g value, humidity-variable 1.25 - >125 MN·s/g EN ISO 12572
Vapour permeance 0.23 perms ASTM E96-A
Vapour permeance, humidity-variable < 0.13 - 13 perms EN ISO 12572
Hydrosafe value (sd) 2 m DIN 68800-2
Surface burning characteristics Class A (Flame Spread 0; Smoke development index 35) ASTM E84
Fire class E EN 13501-1
Airtightness Tested EN 12114
Airtightness ≤ 0.004 cfm/ft² ASTM E2178
Tensile strength MD/CD 110 N/5 cm / 80 N/5 cm ; 13 lb/in / 9 lb/in EN 12311-2
Elongation MD/CD 40% / 35% EN 12311-2
Nail tear resistance MD/CD 60 N / 60 N ; 13 lbf / 13 lbf EN 12310-1
Durability after artificial ageing Passed ETA-18/1146
Temperature resistance Permanent -40 °C to 80 °C ; -40 °F to 176 °F EN 1109, EN 1296, EN 1297
Thermal conductivity 0.04 W/(m·K) ; 0.3 BTU·in/(h·ft²·°F)
CE labelling Yes ETA-18/1146

Building projects with INTELLO and INTELLO PLUS

A success story that really rocks!

Although not taken seriously by many when it was first launched, the INTELLO vapour check membrane with humidity-variable diffusion resistance revolutionised construction practice back in the early 2000s. Since then, it has come a long way: an established part of best building practice, the first humidity-variable vapour check membrane with an ETA, certified as fulfilling Passive House standards, and with excellent results in hazardous substance testing. 20 years on from its market launch, it has been fitted on countless projects – ranging from tiny houses right through to multi-storey buildings – on ceilings, roofs and walls to ensure the integrity of the airtightness layer.

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