Homogeneously weldable pipe grommet for roof pitches between 3° and 25° (0.6:12 - 5:12)



  • Keeps building components dry: windproof, rainproof and watertight
  • Reliable seam sealing: homogeneously weldable with a solvent welding agent or hot air
  • Easy to install: extremely high tear-resistance
  • Practical handling: pipes can be pushed and pulled through the grommet – the joint remains sealed
  • For pipes with diameters of 90 - 125 mm (3.5" - 5")

Areas of application

For reliable sealing of pipe feed-throughs within the SOLITEX WELDANO roofing underlay system. Suitable for roof pitches between 3° and 25° (0.6:12 - 5:12). The pre-fabricated grommet can be used to implement pipe feed-throughs in an easy, quick and permanently sealed manner.
The shaped element can be welded to the pro clima SOLITEX WELDANO 3000 roofing underlay membrane in a watertight manner using the WELDANO TURGA (HS) system solvent welding agent or hot air.

Technical specs

Main component Polyurethane
Property Value Regulation
Colour Blue
Pipe diameter 90 - 125 mm
Outdoor exposure Cen./Nth. Europe & Canada/Nth. US: 4 months; RoW: 3 months
Temperature resistance Permanent -40 °C to 80 °C ; -40 °F to 176 °F